《中英對照讀新聞》Waitresses who wear red make more in tips 穿紅衣的女侍賺較多小費


Waitresses who wear red get up to 26 per cent extra in tips than they would wearing other colours, researchers claimed today.


No matter what colour they wear, female diners will give the same kind of amounts for service every time. Yet men, whether they realise it or not, add anything between 15 and 26 per cent more to a waitress in red than they would if it was the SAME waitress wearing a different colour.


The test was simple. Take 11 waitresses in five restaurants over a six week period and ask them to wear the same kind of tee-shirt every day but alternate the colours. Previous research has suggested waitresses could earn more if they acted provocatively or wore more make up than their colleagues. But this study, only changed the colour of the tee shirt. Every other aspect from make up to behaviour remained the same.


When wearing either black, white, green, blue or yellow tee shirts, the size of the tips from both male and female customers was almost identical. But when they wore red, the size of the gratuities went up by between 15 and 26 per cent from male customers, yet stayed the same from female ones.



alternate:動詞,交替。例句:She alternated between cheerfulness and deep despair.(她時而快樂時而極度絕望。)

identical:形容詞,相同的,非常類似的。例句:The tests are identical to those carried out last year.(這場考試與去年的很像。)

gratuity:名詞,小費。例句:The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists which supplement their salaries.(導遊有時候會收到旅客的小費,可以貼補薪水。)



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